Friday, 3 April 2020

Testing the HV battery and charging issues solved

Here I turn on the ignition to test the dash lights up, at this point the HV battery isnt plugged in
After confirming the dash turns on I set up the HV battery to test the car will engage a "Ready" state. To set up the HV battery I have temporarily placed the batteries next to the bonnet for easy connection to the motor controller.
I have reused the HV cabling from the previous build to connect up the battery while keeping the factory contactors, fuse, and safety cut off.
After filming the startup I attempted to charge the battery and found it would not detect the charger unless the ignition was on, and because the ignition was on it would not charge, so it seemed I had some troubleshooting to do.

At first i thought it might be because the ABS was disconnected, after connecting it up although it did clear the ABS warnings on the dash it did not fix the charging issue.

After that didnt work I went into the iMIEV workshop manual and searched for the symptom i had, which i found and was described as "Charging does not start, or the charging indicator is not illuminated when the charger is connected to domestic power supply". I found this under
"54D electric motor unit and main battery - On Board Charger - Symptom Procedures"

The first step was to check the charging cable, which was fine.
The second step was to check for battery voltage at the grey no.1 pin on the C-106 EV-ECU connector, and there was no voltage present on the pin.
Finding that there was no voltage I went to
"54D electric motor unit and main battery - EV-ECU - Check at EV-ECU terminal"

Its not shown in this photo but it states the normal condition for pin no. 1 is to always show battery voltage, i must have cut something i shouldn't have, whoops, but after connecting a wire to a random positive terminal and to pin no. 1 the charging WORKED! the photos below show the battery going up a bar!
Next step is to clean up the mess of wiring that is now throughout the car and start designing up some mounts for all the batteries, motor, vacuum pump, radiator, fan, etc. Ive already got some small relays/fuses mounted in the car.

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